‘‘A thousand times I cried because of you,’’ a million times these tears were shed because of love.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012 @ 07:08
Sandy is officially back. :3 *I said this for like hundred times, laugh* Sorry for not updating at all, lovely readers. Well, it's been my 7 weeks studying in school, POWIIS. Absolutely awesome & fresh environment, got quite a satisfied results for my mid-term assessments ; loving and caring friends. Guess what? I joined football club. Can you imagine? :3 I even bought stunning boots for my football training! hahaha. Meanwhile, wanted to send some words for my form 5 buddies, congratulations for graduating from HENG EE,SPM is soon approaching, work hard & achieve your goals! ♥ Going back to my house on tomorrow after school. So excited that I get to meet my family & friends again. Nick's birthday on tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCED, birthday boy!Gonna attend his birthday party tomorrow! I know it would be extremely COOL. No school on Friday and next Monday. Wonder how many outings should I organize. 1,2,3,4 or more than it? rofl. Life is so miserable, *winkwink* Love me for me by Cher Llyod. -song of the week- Love this song, kinda relax. <3
Okay, 11 days more to my first day of schooling. Nervous? Uhhummm. HELL YEAH. Was thinking of how will my life be in the hostel, for like 5 days! God. :/ I hope the students in there are friendly. *bless* And everything was fully prepared. :) Well, tomorrow will be his big day, organizing a farewell for him, as he is going to Genting for working on wednesday. :/ Hopefully it gonna be an amazing and unforgettable day. :) tehee'
To be honest, I have nothing to blog. LOL. Firstly, busy with my tuition. Lifeless, tuition everyday! Next, works. Planning planning & planning. Third, family problems. Oh darn, fucking feddup with this shyt. Argue everyday & EVERY NIGHT. HELLO. I cannot tolerate with this kind of life anymore! The best thing to stay in hostel is to avoid arguments. pffts.
PS : just some lame stuffs about my current life. Sorry if you feel bored about it. No idea :/
FIRST DAY OF AUGUST! Let's welcome August with your hands applause. Roflmao. Get away from me, bad things. Good things. COME PLEASE! :> ANG GONG POR PI! TEHEEE.Going to Genting Highlands tomorrow with my MOM & buddies. Quite disappointed with this trip. Couldn't get rid of this life. Sigh. ): I always knew that this would happened. Whatever! I want to relax. That's all I need. :) Bytheway, I got my school uniforms already. Hrmm, it's nice. Will upload the pictures when I'm free. I hope that I could enjoy on tomorrow. hee
Sunday sunday! WEEEHAAAAA. :P! Another special event which held at Butterworth. Who's interested? *smirk*
I have to prepare my things for tomorrow. Toodlers! :) hee.
Humans! I'm back. *god, how many times should I repeat this?* Giggles! As my babe, Vennesa keep on asking me that why I never update my blog. I told her I was seriously busy recently. There you go, babe. te-heee' :3 So, have been in ELS for 3 months. Knewa bunch of foreign friends who were very friendly & helpful! This month gonna be the last month I studied. I need a short break for myself to prepare my new school's life. :)
Bytheway, my little cousin girl was admitted into GMC yesterday night. Her problem was really really serious. I don't know how to describe my feelings. She is still unconscious as she's lack of blood. Doctor injected 10 packs of blood into her body. God, bless her. My mind is totally blank right now. Please wake up. PLEASE. 嘉恩.
Well, there's up-and-down in life. Tough life. No choice, I have to stay strong. Miss my buddies, doing well huh? :) Good luck.
Don't tick me off unless you could afford the retribution.
Guys, coming Saturday is Bon-Odori festival, anyone? :)
Humans, miss me? :) I'm back! Forgive me for MIA. Duh, hectic life as usual and I do enjoyed college life in Han Chiang lately. tehee' I met a lot of friends which were all from Arabic, Japan, German & Malaysians from other states. They were pretty friendly and next week gonna be our graduation week becoz they were leaving Penang to continue their studies to university. So, probably will be spending my last sweet weeks with them. :3
Some updates for my own life. Well, went to visit Wilson just now as he cracked his leg bone & operation succeed. God bless. Headed Gurney after then, as today is 520, which represents Iloveyou. As a celebration, I had a movie with my friends. lol Thank you for the 520 present. :) ♥ Also, I'm looking forward to my first day schooling! Gonna be so fun & excited right. Hell yeah! WEEE.
Fossil watch, thanks. :))
what am I doing. lol
Never look back no matter what, yingthong.
stay strong.
Sorry for leaving you, I won't look back from the moment you treat me like this tho it's really hurt.. I just don't understand why. sigh. Rumors everywhere. It's okay, but something to remind you is that, you know my name not my story. So don't simply spread around without knowing the whole story because you ain't the director or actress in this story. So shut up.
Work hard. Study hard.
1/1 ! I WANT YOU.
My goals - :
Good results!
Iphone 4s on 30/6/12.
3/3 on 30/6/12.
Korea trip during long-term holidays.
Buying stuffs, not shopping!
Stay happy, yes i can.
Long lasting friendships.
It's late now, I have to rest. Goodnight humans. :)!
Thankyou for everything today,
I hope I could really rely on you.
And so sorry for hiding from you, I never mean to. ):
Well, I don't know it's a bad news/ good news for everyone of you. But, I guess it's a bad news for me. :/ I've already got my leaving school certificate yesterday, which mean I am no longer a Heng Ee student anymore. My new school - POWIIS. And my first term starts on September. But I don't really get to hang out much, still have to attend English course in Han Chiang college, it's like college life. from morning to afternoon. pfft.
So, here are some words for my beloved one. :)
My volleyball teammates,
So sorry for leaving you guys. So sorry that I can't play for the next year MSSPP. But I know you guys still can play well without me, right ahgim? :)! Come on, be strong. The best memories I've ever had, the best volleyball teammates I've ever met. I will still attend training. NO WORRIES! -hoho-
My classmates,
You guys are so funny. haha. Especially the one who sits next to me. She's cute, I will never forget your laughter Shi Lin! Fang Min, sorry that I couldn't accompany you in class anymore. ): But you still have to cheer up kay? Call that siaokia fetch us out! haha. Love you.Have an awesome trip we Ning Jye. Be strong, don't scream already. LOL. And the one sit behind me, Chang Shun. You very friendly la k. :3! No more throwing pencil case or books to you already. HAHA. Eugene & Tun Keat, you guys are the best listener. Joo Shin - Like a korean. Si gui, no one play with you already. 160cm! hahahahah. Take care! :) And the others, take care and do well in the coming exam. :D Call me if there's class gathering! I will be on time. haha. Btw, kill the yusrinawati! HAHAHA.
My BFFs. -Iloveyou.
Zhiying, stay strong k? I love you. C: Although we can't tell secrets in school, but there's still a phone to contact. -laugh- Li Gim, Siao poh. Play well in next year MSSPP u18 kay? There's one coming u16 competition, let's work it out. Shwu Tyng, Shuen Nee, Wei Ling - We've been friends since primary school until now. Never forget our form 3 life. Our laughters spreads the whole class haha! Take care pretties! Mindy - Pretty, take care k? You have mature thinking & always gives advice to me. And we're Twilight and vampire diaries fans! Don't forget, EDWARD & STEPHAN ARE MINE! LOL. Sheni - My bitcheesstttbabe. hahaha! You're cute lah k. :D Long time never hang out already, let's have dating again? hoho. Fang Min - Although I've just know you for a couple months, but you're already listed in here. Take care. I'm so happy to share my secrets with you, we must continue our hang out on every tuesday. C: !
My love one.
Nothing much to tell you because we could have outing anytime we want. LOL. Wanted to tell you, take care & don't be late again. Not gonna accompany you during recess but it's okay, you still have your friends. haha :) Study well. xoxo.
So, I just came back from Cameron Highlands. A word to describe, FANTASTIC. Well, it's a memorable trip with my beloved friends & teachers. Especially that night, an awesome yet horrible night. Shhh, it's our secret. Only some of them know. -smirk- So there's nothing much but strawberries! I can see strawberries everywhere! Even bolster, pencil case, shirts, stuffs. ALL ARE STRAWBERRIES. LOL' And the weather is freaking cold! So, let the pictures do talking.
So, that's all for my trip. A memorable trip. :) I will never forget it. Tehee.
Hi there. My name is SANDY/YINGTHONG.And I'm a girl, like duh.Currently six-teen ; An alien from Aquarius! :)
There's one thing you have to know about me. I'm hyperactive & so, hyper friendly. Hahaha.
I ♥ MY GANS, So don't try to spoilt our relationship. You can't.
♥' 190110 ; The days we've been through. I HEARTSyou, and I know you DO. :3
Love me? I'LL ♥ YOU TWICE!
DISLIKE ME? You probably not gonna be viewing my profile now right? Unless you JEALOUS of me. tsktsk'
Don't mess with me, bitch.
Wanna know more about me? Here's what you can do for stalking me.:D Facebook | Email | Plurk
Simple, respect my blog as yours. Do what you think it's right &' don't try to spoilt my things.
Sandy is officially back. :3 *I said this for like hundred times, laugh* Sorry for not updating at all, lovely readers. Well, it's been my 7 weeks studying in school, POWIIS. Absolutely awesome & fresh environment, got quite a satisfied results for my mid-term assessments ; loving and caring friends. Guess what? I joined football club. Can you imagine? :3 I even bought stunning boots for my football training! hahaha. Meanwhile, wanted to send some words for my form 5 buddies, congratulations for graduating from HENG EE,SPM is soon approaching, work hard & achieve your goals! ♥ Going back to my house on tomorrow after school. So excited that I get to meet my family & friends again. Nick's birthday on tomorrow, HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCED, birthday boy!Gonna attend his birthday party tomorrow! I know it would be extremely COOL. No school on Friday and next Monday. Wonder how many outings should I organize. 1,2,3,4 or more than it? rofl. Life is so miserable, *winkwink* Love me for me by Cher Llyod. -song of the week- Love this song, kinda relax. <3
Okay, 11 days more to my first day of schooling. Nervous? Uhhummm. HELL YEAH. Was thinking of how will my life be in the hostel, for like 5 days! God. :/ I hope the students in there are friendly. *bless* And everything was fully prepared. :) Well, tomorrow will be his big day, organizing a farewell for him, as he is going to Genting for working on wednesday. :/ Hopefully it gonna be an amazing and unforgettable day. :) tehee'
To be honest, I have nothing to blog. LOL. Firstly, busy with my tuition. Lifeless, tuition everyday! Next, works. Planning planning & planning. Third, family problems. Oh darn, fucking feddup with this shyt. Argue everyday & EVERY NIGHT. HELLO. I cannot tolerate with this kind of life anymore! The best thing to stay in hostel is to avoid arguments. pffts.
PS : just some lame stuffs about my current life. Sorry if you feel bored about it. No idea :/
FIRST DAY OF AUGUST! Let's welcome August with your hands applause. Roflmao. Get away from me, bad things. Good things. COME PLEASE! :> ANG GONG POR PI! TEHEEE.Going to Genting Highlands tomorrow with my MOM & buddies. Quite disappointed with this trip. Couldn't get rid of this life. Sigh. ): I always knew that this would happened. Whatever! I want to relax. That's all I need. :) Bytheway, I got my school uniforms already. Hrmm, it's nice. Will upload the pictures when I'm free. I hope that I could enjoy on tomorrow. hee
Sunday sunday! WEEEHAAAAA. :P! Another special event which held at Butterworth. Who's interested? *smirk*
I have to prepare my things for tomorrow. Toodlers! :) hee.
Humans! I'm back. *god, how many times should I repeat this?* Giggles! As my babe, Vennesa keep on asking me that why I never update my blog. I told her I was seriously busy recently. There you go, babe. te-heee' :3 So, have been in ELS for 3 months. Knewa bunch of foreign friends who were very friendly & helpful! This month gonna be the last month I studied. I need a short break for myself to prepare my new school's life. :)
Bytheway, my little cousin girl was admitted into GMC yesterday night. Her problem was really really serious. I don't know how to describe my feelings. She is still unconscious as she's lack of blood. Doctor injected 10 packs of blood into her body. God, bless her. My mind is totally blank right now. Please wake up. PLEASE. 嘉恩.
Well, there's up-and-down in life. Tough life. No choice, I have to stay strong. Miss my buddies, doing well huh? :) Good luck.
Don't tick me off unless you could afford the retribution.
Guys, coming Saturday is Bon-Odori festival, anyone? :)
Humans, miss me? :) I'm back! Forgive me for MIA. Duh, hectic life as usual and I do enjoyed college life in Han Chiang lately. tehee' I met a lot of friends which were all from Arabic, Japan, German & Malaysians from other states. They were pretty friendly and next week gonna be our graduation week becoz they were leaving Penang to continue their studies to university. So, probably will be spending my last sweet weeks with them. :3
Some updates for my own life. Well, went to visit Wilson just now as he cracked his leg bone & operation succeed. God bless. Headed Gurney after then, as today is 520, which represents Iloveyou. As a celebration, I had a movie with my friends. lol Thank you for the 520 present. :) ♥ Also, I'm looking forward to my first day schooling! Gonna be so fun & excited right. Hell yeah! WEEE.
Fossil watch, thanks. :))
what am I doing. lol
Never look back no matter what, yingthong.
stay strong.
Sorry for leaving you, I won't look back from the moment you treat me like this tho it's really hurt.. I just don't understand why. sigh. Rumors everywhere. It's okay, but something to remind you is that, you know my name not my story. So don't simply spread around without knowing the whole story because you ain't the director or actress in this story. So shut up.
Work hard. Study hard.
1/1 ! I WANT YOU.
My goals - :
Good results!
Iphone 4s on 30/6/12.
3/3 on 30/6/12.
Korea trip during long-term holidays.
Buying stuffs, not shopping!
Stay happy, yes i can.
Long lasting friendships.
It's late now, I have to rest. Goodnight humans. :)!
Thankyou for everything today,
I hope I could really rely on you.
And so sorry for hiding from you, I never mean to. ):
Well, I don't know it's a bad news/ good news for everyone of you. But, I guess it's a bad news for me. :/ I've already got my leaving school certificate yesterday, which mean I am no longer a Heng Ee student anymore. My new school - POWIIS. And my first term starts on September. But I don't really get to hang out much, still have to attend English course in Han Chiang college, it's like college life. from morning to afternoon. pfft.
So, here are some words for my beloved one. :)
My volleyball teammates,
So sorry for leaving you guys. So sorry that I can't play for the next year MSSPP. But I know you guys still can play well without me, right ahgim? :)! Come on, be strong. The best memories I've ever had, the best volleyball teammates I've ever met. I will still attend training. NO WORRIES! -hoho-
My classmates,
You guys are so funny. haha. Especially the one who sits next to me. She's cute, I will never forget your laughter Shi Lin! Fang Min, sorry that I couldn't accompany you in class anymore. ): But you still have to cheer up kay? Call that siaokia fetch us out! haha. Love you.Have an awesome trip we Ning Jye. Be strong, don't scream already. LOL. And the one sit behind me, Chang Shun. You very friendly la k. :3! No more throwing pencil case or books to you already. HAHA. Eugene & Tun Keat, you guys are the best listener. Joo Shin - Like a korean. Si gui, no one play with you already. 160cm! hahahahah. Take care! :) And the others, take care and do well in the coming exam. :D Call me if there's class gathering! I will be on time. haha. Btw, kill the yusrinawati! HAHAHA.
My BFFs. -Iloveyou.
Zhiying, stay strong k? I love you. C: Although we can't tell secrets in school, but there's still a phone to contact. -laugh- Li Gim, Siao poh. Play well in next year MSSPP u18 kay? There's one coming u16 competition, let's work it out. Shwu Tyng, Shuen Nee, Wei Ling - We've been friends since primary school until now. Never forget our form 3 life. Our laughters spreads the whole class haha! Take care pretties! Mindy - Pretty, take care k? You have mature thinking & always gives advice to me. And we're Twilight and vampire diaries fans! Don't forget, EDWARD & STEPHAN ARE MINE! LOL. Sheni - My bitcheesstttbabe. hahaha! You're cute lah k. :D Long time never hang out already, let's have dating again? hoho. Fang Min - Although I've just know you for a couple months, but you're already listed in here. Take care. I'm so happy to share my secrets with you, we must continue our hang out on every tuesday. C: !
My love one.
Nothing much to tell you because we could have outing anytime we want. LOL. Wanted to tell you, take care & don't be late again. Not gonna accompany you during recess but it's okay, you still have your friends. haha :) Study well. xoxo.
So, I just came back from Cameron Highlands. A word to describe, FANTASTIC. Well, it's a memorable trip with my beloved friends & teachers. Especially that night, an awesome yet horrible night. Shhh, it's our secret. Only some of them know. -smirk- So there's nothing much but strawberries! I can see strawberries everywhere! Even bolster, pencil case, shirts, stuffs. ALL ARE STRAWBERRIES. LOL' And the weather is freaking cold! So, let the pictures do talking.
So, that's all for my trip. A memorable trip. :) I will never forget it. Tehee.